Pitch relationships of 5 Chinese tones
The following are the result that I found out after talking to my friend Valentina Ciardelli, who is a graduate of Double Bass and Composting from Royal College of Music.
Valentina is one of the talented musician who has perfect pitch(the ability to recognise the pitch of a note). And when I asked her, how does she feel about speaking language to music, are they related. She said to me that, she can recognise that different person speaks in different range of voice, and the range is related to pitch. Each one of us has our own range of voice, and it never changes. In other words, everyone has their own voice baseline, and our the pitch of our voice move up and down around the baseline. She pointed me out that, ' Your voice is between A and G. ' and then she used the tuner App on her phone to prove she was right.
I listened to Valentina's advice to input my sound of Chinese tones into tuner App and measure the range of each tones. And I was very suprised: not only because she was exactly right about my range of voice, but also found out that the 5 Chinese tones are connected in pitch. (please see the following video)
instruction on the tone flute which indicate the pitch relationship of the tones
The pitch of the 1st tone 'ˉ' can be seen as the baseline of my voice, which is A. And the 2nd tone 'ˊ' move from G to A (baseline). The 3rd 'ˇ' is from F to G. 4th tone has the highest pitch: from C# to G, G is the end of 3rd, 4th tone and the head of 2nd tone. And the baseline A is at the middle of the 4th tone and the end of 2nd tone. The 5th tone is the lowest and the beginning of the 3rd tone.
The consistent pitch relationship of the 5 Chinese tones allows me to combine sliding flute into the project. And redesign sliding flute, a pure musical instrument into tone flute, a language instrument which can mimic the 5 Chinese tones.